Make sure that the following applications installed on your server instance:
1. Create an empty database in your MySQL, where the future sociocortex data will be stored.
2. Download archive
3. Unpack archive (preferably in the root folder of you disk space)
As an example, the folder structure (C:\sociocortex) will contain the following folders:
4. Update configuration file
Changing the keys that already contain valid values (without <>) can be omitted.
More details regarding configurations keys can be found here.
5. Check if everything works
For this navigate to scripts folder in your console and launch nt-run.bat
The first launch usually takes up to 2 minutes, in case it is successful you will be able to see the following log message:
jvm 1 | http server started on any local address on port 80 with context / and should be locally accessible under http://localhost:80/
jvm 1 | initialization was successful, took 67.2 s
To exit, press CTRL + C
5. Install and start SocioCortex Windows service
In case the 4th step worked out:
Now, you have a running instance of SC.
1. Try to access it using your browser (e.g., http://localhost/)
2. You will be asked for login and password, by default admin user has the following default credentials:
password: ottto
3. To change them navigate to your profile settings.
Name | Type | Size | Last Modification | Last Editor |
profile_settings.jpg | 28 KB | 25.07.2016 |